Wednesday, January 14, 2009

16th August 2008 : Hajj Course

Our school held a hajj course for muslims students who wanted to join it.
From our class, it’s only 11 persons! What a small number.

They’re Imran, Amnah, Jumadi, Bair, Anis, Azman, Zafirah, Andi, Kasma, Juma’ , & me.
Since Sapuq didn't joined the course, she “upah-haji” to Juma’.

The practical is good for us, they even prepared the Ka’bah, Hijr Ismail, & others.
The course started at around 7.30 .
At 11.30am, we’re given time to change the clothes, ihram for now.
The whole journey allover is fine.

Candidates Pass
Candidates Pass

So these are the pics for this course
Ka'bah Replica
The boys in ihram..
The girls in telekung..

9th August 2008 : History & Physics Marking Scheme

Today we’re having marking scheme seminar, for Sejarah & Physics

Thanks to Anis for getting us the very front place.

So the teacher in charge for the Sejarah Seminar is Cikgu Vaea. Aigoo~ that teacher is so funny oo.

Good so that we don’t sleep during the seminar.

Discuss about the class’ t-shirt in class.

Again, glad the teacher who’s in charge for giving us the Physics seminar, Miss Fanny Chin, is a funny teacher too. ^^ Ina always laughing when..00 (jiro jiro..)

during Physics Seminar in Bilik Gerakan

during Physics Seminar in Bilik Gerakan

Omo the Physics marking scheme is so so strict! very very strict! so gonna be careful...

30th July 2008 : Final PJ

Cikgu Dzul tell us that this is our last PJ..sad..

Play kids game ; Cicit, Nenek Tua, Hantu & Musang xD
Sapu' the Nenek Tua

Ahh thanks to everyone who play, precious memories~
It’s sad having the Final PJ, but we enjoy this moment a lot!

Exclusive T-shirt Design For 5A

Well, yeah, we’re going to have the designs revealed, I’ll be back tomorrow with the finished design..;)

Majority of the class already agreed with the designs..That’s good, we’ll just hand over the remaining matters about printing the t-shirts to Jyuan Rew, Baby, and Am Na. xD

Well, I’ve (lol i’m the lame designer! xP) made the design look more…err..I say hip hop-ish? using my noobish photoshop skills. =.=;

AISH. we’ll just wait for the designs tomorrow. ;)

FIGHTING 5A! Fighting SHINee! Muahahahaha! xD Also TVXQ!! ^^


Here comes the stuffs! ^0^ Click on the pics for larger view..

the formula that represents the class, 5A! ;)

^ The formula that represents our class, 5A! Thanks to Baby for her ideas. =)

5A's very own logo..

^ 5A’s very own logo……

LOL..wtheck the logo didn’t look hip-hopish at all xD ^^;; (for me lar..)

I’m very sorry if the logo looks horrible. =.=;; I told ya, i’m using my crappy ps skills. =.=;

Well, we’re just going to wait, for the logos to be printed on the t-shirt..

Hope it comes out well..

5A Fighting! *^^*

by, eunmin☆

26th July 2008 : Satu Keluarga Sepasu Bunga Competition

Our school held this competition for the SERASI week. I’m not sure how much our class submit the plants, but hopefully we’ll win this competition!

Sapuq and Girl with their bunga..and model Fuzz showing 'peace' sign which basically means.."Save the bunga!" lol~

21st July 2008 : We Won The Recycle Competition

Congrats to our school! We won the recycle competition, all over this Tawau region. wee~~ & the best is, our class got the highest number of recycle materials ^^, in other words, our class won the recycle allover in Tawau!

Actually we’re already informed about our victory a while ago but we just received the prize today. It’s RM 150 & a hamper, although we should received more than that because some of the money used by the school to make ‘Taman Batu’, so we just received RM 150 (but it’s better if we get the whole money right?!).

Congrats once again to our class! It’s not easy to collect recycle material up to RM100++.

History Lesson! The Tarap Tree

YAH! Is the fruit named Tarap or Terap??

LOL Who didn’t remember the Tarap story by our History Teacher..hehe.xD
We laughed out crazily as the story was way too funny. xDDD

Each time the history lesson comes, everyone would pack mathematics book or anything related to mathematics in the drawer especially the one sitting in front of the teacher’s desk..xD
Our teacher said he’s ‘allergic‘ to maths. xDD

We can’t get enough with the stories which our teacher came up. xD
He would told us his experiences with ‘passion’ and in a very interesting manner. xD
History time = laughing time. ;)

But…most of us didn’t like the subject though..
It’s…hard? or..i don’t know, everyone has their reasons though.
ARGHH. The facts n infos are killing ourr brainnnnnn. T^T (to me. xD)
But nonetheless the subject is still important to us. ^^

Ah! About the National Chemistry Quiz!
Well, 5A, we’ll see the result. ;)
The question was kinda….difficult though it’s basic questions. xD
Well if you’ve studied it wouldn’t be that hard. ;)

Stay tuned to hot issue news of 5A! EHEHE. ;)

Few side notes : ARGHHHH!! The internet connection really sucks. T^T I won’t be online much to write here bcoz of it. *stabs

by, eunmin☆

What happened these days...

Hmm..The Kuiz Kimia Kebangsaan (K3M) ..

OMO..Ok, so we’re taking it. O_o

Well, some, about 1/4 of the class population. xD

We’re going to take it tomorrow morning, 17TH JULY, at 10.00 am until idk. forgot. T^T

I’ve looked at the example questions, well…pass years’ question,
and it’s kinda simple at the first look but if you didn’t study it will be hard then. T^T
hope everybody got good results…

LOL The class is somewhat lively today. xD
Which is GOOD. LOL our History teacher and his stories make us laughing crazily. xD

AHAHA. And then at tuesday this week, Biology class. xD

Ehemm…Chapter 4. xD

‘Lucky’ people got selected to act out the concept of ‘STD’ that day. xDD

Our teacher picked the people and pointed out the ‘character’ and tell what does the ‘ROLE’ of the character. xDD

The AIDS carrier, girlfriend, few ex-girlfriend, boyfriend, few ex-boyfriend, husband. wife. xDDDD

It was fun but very educative though.

Leado YoonHae said she won’t forget that day. LOL

ROFL. STD means Sexually Transmitted Disease. xDD

Read Biology and you’ll know. xD LOL that day was hilarious! xD

Yuck..Why do I suddenly remember this thing,
few days ago..I think last week, or so, the boys found a snakeeeee. AISH.
outside the classroom, at the grass field. ~_~
well, not the big one, it’s the small one, very small, and i thought it was a fake and plastic snake,
you know…the toy one, but when i look into the jar where the boys put it, OMG.

That thing is movinggggg. O__o
LOL our class monitor was afraid of it. xD And she wouldn’t even come into the classroom. xD

Then, some students from 5B took it, and brought it to their class. @_@


~~Girl's edit 14th January 2009

=3 persons from our class, got Merit ^^ > Anis, Sapuq & Girl <>

by, eunmin☆

14th June 2008 : Teacher's Day

almost a month after teacher's day, then our school celebrate it

The Most Popular Teacher Morning session won by Cgu Dzul again

same goes with the afternoon session, won by Cgu Rafi again

got nothing to type on ^^;;

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mid-year 2008 Exam

after all the stress faced for the midyear exam, glad finally it's over

picture time!

take note for homework

jottting down some info

5a family pic!

happy 2 weeks holiday to all!!