ok..this is a special aidiladha post..by me..^^
first of all..
to all muslim 5a2008family members..
may all of you have a good time with your family..
and the korbanized lembu!
-rojak mode-
speaking of PENGORBANAN...most of us are in this berkorban situation aren't we??
staying far from our family, have to focus on studying for the coming exams, etc etc instead of being at home hari raya-ing with family.. are pengorbanan kan??
of course i'm referring to me, myself..andi (yg duduk sebelah ni..), girl, azman, izzat..(sapa lagi??)
for those yang dapat balik rumah~ congratz!!
(^^,) <----- (anis smiling weirdly..super weird!)
so i hope everyone is in a good hari raya aidiladha-without-family-to-eat-rendang-lembu-with mode..because eventhough we don't have our real family with us during this hari raya..we still have this 5a2008family here right?? chatting here online-ly like this..is not that bad kan??
ok..enough with my boring talk.. o_O
i wish everyone a happy aidiladha again..
i can't send everyone a duit raya..or kad raya..
but i have this SPECIAL..
very very special picture of us..
