Today was the date where all of the form 5 students attended a motivation seminar, or something like raise the spirits (? xD) of the students that are going to sit for SPM..
The seminar was a fun time, I can't quite remember what happened during the day...-.-
So, sorry, not much details. ><
^ With Ustaz Azizi, the one who invented our motto!! xDD
The boys with Ustaz Azizi, teaches us Pendidikan Islam.
Who knows that Ustaz would act like that? xD
Idk what they're doing. O.O xD
With Mr Yap, Chemistry genius. xD
Like really, he just barge in the class without a book in his hands, and just teaches us all those formulas and facts from his head.......o.o
With our CUTE (yeah~ CUTE!! xD) Add Maths teacher, Mdm. Lai~~
Ina and Amnah, promoting ice creams. LOL.
We got free ice creams~
Ina's holding the strawberry one, and Amnah's Vanilla ice cream.
I've got the Vanilla flavor one. :P
I think this one was after the Seminar~
Our sporting BM teacher! Cikgu Noriati~
Memories will never fade. ^^
edited by, the one with major grammar probs, eunmin☆
pics by,
The seminar was a fun time, I can't quite remember what happened during the day...-.-
So, sorry, not much details. ><
Who knows that Ustaz would act like that? xD
Idk what they're doing. O.O xD
Like really, he just barge in the class without a book in his hands, and just teaches us all those formulas and facts from his head.......o.o
We got free ice creams~
Ina's holding the strawberry one, and Amnah's Vanilla ice cream.
I've got the Vanilla flavor one. :P
Memories will never fade. ^^
edited by, the one with major grammar probs, eunmin☆
pics by,
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